Monthly Archives: June 2014

Family Ride – Thurs 3rd June

We have an evening family ride on Thursday 3rd June, starting from Story Wood and going around Witton Lakes and Brookvale Park.  swfr1Departure is 6:30pm but please arrive 20mins early for bike checks.  If you would like to come then please call 0121 464 1020 to book a place.  A limited number of adult bikes are available but should be pre-booked.

Distance will be around three to four miles.  There is only one small hill.  If any participants are nervous of riding on the road then we will walk to the cycle path to allow the ride to be all off road.  Participants should be able to control their bikes properly (make the bike go where they want it to go and be able to start and stop under control), all children must be supervised by parents/guardians and we are afraid that we cannot accept bikes with stabilizers.

Story Wood Cycle Hub

Story Wood Cycle Hub now has a web page, and guess what…you are looking at it!  There are bound to be various errors in it as it was created by amateur volunteers in their spare time so please don’t expect too much, but let us know if you ave any issues with it.