Monthly Archives: August 2014

11/08/14 Ride Report

We had a lovely ride yesterday evening.  Despite a heavy rain shower just before we set off the sun came out the moment we started, and we even had a double rainbow plastered across the sky above us.  We had nine riders out who really enjoyed the leisurely tour of Witton Lakes in the summer evening sunshine…..see pictures below.  And, again, we could see people’s riding abilities improving as the evening wore on.

The last ride in the summer series is to be next Monday when we will have a brand new set of bikes to try out.  Please book a place and a bike if you need one by calling 0121 464 1020.  Because we used nearly all of our free hire bikes it will be on a first booked, first served basis if interest continues to be high.


sw1  sw2

sw3  sw4

04/08/14 Led Ride Report

We had a great led ride from Story Wood on the 4th August with 11 people turning up for the adventure.  Down to the cycle path we went and then did had a meander around the pools in Witton Lakes Park, taking in the peaceful scenery on a warm summer’s evening.  For many it was the first time doing such a ride and everyone did great, all seemed to enjoy it.  Perhaps a few aching muscles the morning after, but rides like this really do help to improve peoples’ riding and confidence, plus they are great fun too.

Next led ride is next Monday: 11/08/14.  Please book a place and a bike if you need one by calling 0121 464 1020.  Because we used nearly all of our free hire bikes it will be on a first booked, first served basis.

After that our final led ride of the summer hols will be on the 18th.